Young Lives in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia we follow the lives of 3,000 children, since 2001. They are a pro-poor sample in two cohorts, a younger cohort born in 2001-02 and the older born in 1994 -5 and are now 22 and 29 years old respectively.
Over the 20 years of the study to date, Young Lives has conducted five rounds of quantitative and four rounds of qualitative surveys, two school surveys, and a five call phone survey (2020 - 21).
We produce research to help policymakers design programmes that make a real difference to young people and their families.
Through our pro-poor sample we are building up a comprehensive picture of what poverty means for young people in Ethiopia today.

Young Lives around the world
Young Lives is a unique longitudinal study of poverty and inequality that has been following the lives of 12,000 children in Ethiopia, India (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), Peru and Vietnam since 2001.
Over two decades of research, Young Lives has generated unmatched insights into the dynamics of poverty and inequality in the lives of the children, from their early years, through adolescence, and into young adulthood.
Our mission is to deliver ground-breaking research that informs policy on how poverty, intersecting inequalities and new vulnerabilities affect the lives of disadvantaged children and young people and what can be done to improve their life outcomes.
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Our ground-breaking longitudinal study of 3,000 Ethiopian children, who are now young adults, allows us to highlight policy-relevant research evidence about their experiences of growing up through poverty and inequality.